Meet Tai
Your Business-Building
AI Assistant

A significant part of growing a business online is about writing exceptional, niche-focused content that people are searching for.

But for most solopreneurs, writing is... hard. Not anymore.

Say hi to Tai!

Unlock the Path to Truly Exceptional Content with Tai

The key to building a successful online business has always been to deliver high value content that OVERdelivers on search intent.

This is even more important today, as AI tools are being used to flood the internet with tons of low-quality content.

Tai, on the other hand, ensures that you produce content that your readers and search engines will love.

As your very own business-building assistant, Tai is at your side at all times, ready to...

Most business owners know the dread of facing a blank page. It takes so much work just to get the basics of a topic down and reasonably well written. That's probably why most small business owners tend to put off writing new content "until tomorrow."

A well-engineered prompt, however, can get you 75% of the way there, in minutes. Say goodbye to procrastination and writer's block. Partner with Tai to produce content that is superior to anything that even the best of other AI tools produce.

In other words, Tai isn't just a tool - it takes you by the hand and helps you become a master prompter.

Enjoy Mind-Blowing Speed and Quality in Content Development

Tai offers an impressive range of proprietary tools and expert guidance that help you go beyond mere "writing assistance." Maximize AI's benefits for your business with these Tai components...

  • Prompt Build It! turns prompting into a foolproof science instead of a hard-to-master art.
  • StyleBuilder trains Tai to write in any style, including an enhanced version of your own.
  • Prompt Library comes pre-stocked with an ever-growing hub of over 500 proven prompts.
  • Boxchain eliminates ChatGPT's conventional trial-and-error method, replacing it with a fail-safe and methodical step-by-step process.
  • Tai Freestyle lets you interact with GPT in a conversational manner identical to ChatGPT. You'll use it for functionality that's simpler than creating content for a web page - in other words, for "Everything Else."
  • The Tai Guide pulls it all together. It helps you get the most out of Tai.
  • NEW! πŸ‘‰ GPT-4o, Anthropic's Claude AND Google's Gemini! Choose which Large Language Model (LLM) suits you best and get incredible results for all your research, outlining and content generation needs.
  • NEW! πŸ‘‰ Tai Images! Create stunning images in seconds with Tai’s text-to-image generator.

"I just have to say this: Prompt Build It! is exactly what I've been searching- and yearning for. The other SEO apps out there don't really "guide you" with what you actually need to 'say' inside a prompt. With PBI! by SBI! I'm not lost anymore. I know exactly what I need to put in a prompt and have my prompt produce excellent results."


Susan Gast,

Prompt Build It!
for Stress-Free Prompt Creation

Crafting compelling prompts is a breeze with Prompt Build It! (PBI!). Tai asks you just the right questions, in the correct order, all designed to bring back the most helpful results.

PBI! leads you through seven key questions. It starts by requesting the topic of the soon-to-be Web page. Then it asks you to enter information about the 6 P's (more on them below). The last step is almost magical...

PBI! pulls your answers together, adding a dash of "AI secret sauce" that turns your prompt into a content-creating wonder. NOTHING like this exists, and it is critical - here's why...

The quality of the content generated by any prompt is limited by the prompt itself, not by the technology. So, to adapt an old tech saying...

"Garbage in, garbage out. Gold in, gold out."

Go for the gold!

Simple but Powerful

By following this structured and repeatable process, you can't help but craft the best possible prompt - one that generates relevant content in your desired style and tone - without an endless back and forth between you and the machine.

The mechanics of using Prompt Build It! are simple. With just four easy steps, you're on your way to seamless content creation:

Step 1: Enter the topic, aka the "focus keyword."

Step 2: Detail the 6 P's:

No Worries...

The Tai Guide never leaves you hanging when it says to do something. It shows-and-tells you exactly how and what to do, completely and perfectly.

Step 3: Click "Build It!" and let the magic happen.

Step 4: Hand off the prompt to Boxchain. This is where you set the gears of top-notch content generation in motion.

Remember, simplicity is the key to brilliance. With Tai, you unlock the path to uncomplicated and high-quality content creation.

Want to become a Master Prompter?

Try Tai For Free

Your Gateway to Consistent Exceptional Content

With just a click, your crafted prompt from Prompt Build It! is transported to Tai's Boxchain where you edit as much as you like.

In the background, Boxchain "talks" to GPT and generates the content that best meets the specifications in your prompt. Then this content "automagically" appears in the first box of the Boxchain.

Once you're happy with the draft that you and Tai created in collaboration, there's one final and super important step, which we call...

Just. Add. You ✔
Make Your Content Distinctively Yours

At this point, you and Tai have pulled together all the vital information about your topic. It is already much more than your usual AI-written content due to the PBI! prompt and the Boxchain process. But it is still missing YOU - your personal experience and expertise... your stories. This not only builds "like and trust" in your readers, you become an authority to them.

Take the final draft and add your own...

This final step, your personal revision, moves you to those top search results, well ahead of any GPT-only written web page. We show you exactly how to do it in the Tai Guide.

The Tai Guide

"The Tai Guide and other documentation clearly spell out everything I need to know. I've long had to struggle really hard to create coherent pages, find usable keywords, and so on. I'm already certain that Tai can fix nearly every one of my problems with virtually zero frustration."

Jue Ann Lee,

The Tai Guide is your ever present mentor, guiding you through each of Tai's integrated tools with easy-to-follow steps.

You'll benefit greatly from its in-depth training on prompting, a key aspect in using AI for writing highly engaging content for your blog or website. Also included are dozens of original ideas for growing and monetizing your online business, all with Tai by your side.

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount and speed of AI developments, you can take a deep breath and relax. The Tai Guide has you covered. It contains everything you need to take full advantage of the capabilities of generative AI. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Tai Images

Use Tai to create stunning images with just an idea and a prompt.

Tai Images is a text-to-image generator that's easy to use. It helps you create photorealistic images, drawings or illustrations for all your content needs. Use them on your blog, website or social media.

It's very simple to use. Enter your prompt. Select your preferred image orientation (landscape, portrait or square). Click Submit. Sit back and watch the magic happen.

7 Unbeatable Benefits of Having Tai by Your Side

#1: Solopreneur superpower! Tai is totally organic, working with the search engines, not trying to trick them - in line with Solo Build It!'s 20+ years success formula.

#2: Productivity booster. You'll create outstanding content much faster, accelerating your online business and income growth.

#3: Anti-procrastination champion. No more writers block. Simply use Prompt Build It! and you're on your way. Then it's just a matter of improving Tai's output with the right follow up prompts.

#4: More than just a tool. We guide you step-by-step through the most important part of using an AI writing tool efficiently - the art of prompt writing - with the Tai Guide.

#5: Creativity booster. Using Tai will push your thinking in new, creative directions you most likely wouldn't have thought of. Generate your own AI images too and say goodbye to stock photos.

#6: Simplifier. No need to wade through dozens of templates or struggle with complicated features. Tai has one goal: to help you create an information rich website in the most efficient way.

#7: Money saver. It's included in all current Solo Build It! subscriptions and offered as a standalone product at a tiny fraction of the cost of most AI content writing software.

"The results I've achieved with Tai have been nothing short of amazing! Seeing my first page come together was like witnessing magic. It's feeding my enthusiasm to create more pages. I'm eager to sit down, brainstorm prompts, and piece together more pages."


Lora Prentis,

Wrapping Up

Creating outstanding content that OVERdelivers on your visitors' Search Intent has consistently remained the core strategy for establishing a thriving online business.

Tai will be your very own business-building assistant, at your side at all times, ready to help you create winning content, faster.

SBI! member? You already have access to Tai. Simply log into your account and start using it.